
The fresh food cooler harnesses the professionally researched and developed vacuum system to rapidly create vacuum conditions within the cooling chamber. This process causes the food moisture to vaporize at lower temperatures, extracting heat and achieving rapid food cooling without the need for additional refrigeration.

Vacuum cooing principle

The machine capitalizes on the heat absorption that occurs during water boiling. The boiling point of water decreases as pressure decreases; for instance, when the air pressure drops from 1 ATM (standard atmospheric pressure) to 610 Pa, the boiling point of water will drop from 100 ℃ to 0℃. In vacuum cooling, food ingredients are placed inside a sealed chamber, and a vacuum is created. This causes the water within the food to vaporize at lower temperatures, extracting heat and achieving rapid food cooling without the need for additional refrigeration.

Tri-synergy vacuum

The vacuum pump, steam jet ejector, and heat ex-changer work collaboratively to extract air from the cooling chamber, rapidly reducing the air pressure to the desired vacuum within the cooling chamber with relatively low energy consumption. The vacuum system, utilizing servo-controlled valves, ensures precise control for intricate operations, achieving intelligent and variable-speed cooling while preventing splashing.

Aseptic vacuum cooling

Microorganisms proliferate rapidly and cause food spoilage within a certain temperature range known as “temperature danger zone”. Our fresh food cooler greatly shortens the the duration food is exposed to this critical temperature zone, thereby inhibiting microorganism growth and extending shelf life.

Intelligent cooling profile

The fresh food cooler employs intelligent control techniques to monitor the correlation between pressure and boiling point variations. The cooling profile can be customized for different food types through methods such as pressure reduction and gradual pressure restoration.