Product use

Used for the mass production of steamed food, such as buns (plain or stuffed), rice, ribs, and more.


The machine is widely applied to large food-proceeding factories including centralized kitchens, fresh-food factories, pre-made food factories, food factories and more.

R&D background

With the development of the food industry, traditional food production methods have undergone new changes, pursuing large-scale, standardized productivity. However, the available food steaming machines in the market often lag behind in innovation, feature conservative designs, outdated production capacities, and fall short in sanitation standards. This poses a challenge in meeting the modern food enterprises’ needs for premium productivity. Huansu fresh food steamer, from the perspective of both efficiency and hygiene, enhances its production capacity and dedicates itself to solving food safety concerns, increasing production, generating income for enterprises, and providing consumers with healthier food.